Category Archives: Soil

Wild Windy Weather

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Though the October rains are still warm, sudden cold can swoop down from the North overnight, leaving frozen hoses, broken pots, and damaged plants in its wake. Before you move to that armchair for the winter, take a few minutes to get ready for the coming cold. Continue reading

Posted in Garden Prep, Soil, Uncategorized, Winterizing | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

fall crops benefit from kelp, milk, and compost

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After such a challenging summer, this mild autumn has been very kind to late crops. Despite being the wettest autumn on record, there have been enough clear days to encourage terrific growth on everything I planted in September and even … Continue reading

Posted in fall/winter crops, Recipes, Soil | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Fall Cover Cropping for Soil Health

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After removing spent tomato plants and other summer crops, rake out each bed, then carpet it with 2-3 inches of composted dairy manure or mature compost. If you aren’t using the space for fall vegetables, consider planting a cover crop … Continue reading

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When Autumn Comes Early To The Tomato Patch

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In much of the Northwest, this has been a tough year for tomatoes. If cold nights didn’t cause the blossoms to drop, the chill weakened stems so that unripe fruit dropped before its time. In many gardens, tomatoes formed but … Continue reading

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