Category Archives: Pollination Gardens

Magic Mint & Guerilla Gardening

Seedpods are ripening fast Gathering Tomorrow’s Garden My grandkids and I love to harvest seeds of all sort of flowers, with the mantra, “pods that rattle are ripe!” Once dried and cleaned, as use the seeds in various mixtures for … Continue reading

Posted in Care & Feeding, Cooking With Kids, Crafting With Children, Edible Flowers, Gardening With Children, Hardy Herbs, Health & Wellbeing, Pollination Gardens, Pollinators | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Doing What We Love And Making It Count

Life is better when we can love what we do Spending Our Energy Wisely Ah, June, the month of the monsoon? Wait, what? Crazy weather seems to be the norm everywhere these days; who expects an atmospheric river rain event … Continue reading

Posted in Care & Feeding, Climate Change, Garden Design, Health & Wellbeing, Plant Diversity, Pollination Gardens, Social Justice, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Lawns In Bloom

Little flowers transform lawns into pollinator happy places Helping Lawns Become Meadows Every spring I get questions about how to keep lawns free from weeds and/or moss (or sometimes both). Personally, I’d much rather keep lawns free from turf grass. … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Color, Birds In The Garden, Butterfly Gardens, Care & Feeding, Climate Change, composting, Easy Care Perennials, Garden Design, Health & Wellbeing, Native Plants, Plant Diversity, Pollination Gardens, Pollinators, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments

Spring Without Bees? Plant More Flowers!!!!

Beeless blossoms are everywhere this spring Where Are The Bees? Here we are in the middle of April, many gardens are bright with blossoms, and all those luxuriant spring flowers ought to be alive with bees. But they’re not. Granted … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Color, Birds In The Garden, Butterfly Gardens, Care & Feeding, Climate Change, Easy Care Perennials, Garden Design, Garden Prep, Gardening With Children, Hardy Herbs, Health & Wellbeing, Native Plants, Plant Diversity, Pollination Gardens, Pollinators, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Weed Control | Leave a comment