Category Archives: Pets & Pests In The Garden

Scotch Broom and Rotten Eggs

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Wax On, Wax Off, Eventually Having just spent much of the day buried in my dishwasher, laboriously removing wax (a long story, involving canning jars that once held candles…), I am very happy to discuss something new. However, if such … Continue reading

Posted in composting, Garden Prep, Pets & Pests In The Garden, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Weed Control | Tagged , , , | 11 Comments

Planting Peas On (or Around) Saint Patrick’s Day

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Plant Those Peas Any Time Now Generations of gardeners have sown their peas on Saint Patrick’s Day. The timing is more or less accurate, but there’s a better way to be sure that garden conditions are truly right. Professional growers … Continue reading

Posted in Drainage, Garden Prep, Pets & Pests In The Garden, Soil, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , | Comments Off on Planting Peas On (or Around) Saint Patrick’s Day

Of Rats and Strawberries

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Letting The Light Shine In Dark Places On Monday, a headlight was out on my car so I took it to the auto shop to get the bulb replaced. I have a spiffy little red Smart car which gets great … Continue reading

Posted in Garden Prep, Growing Berry Crops, Pets & Pests In The Garden, Soil, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Dealing With Those Darling Deer

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What To Try When Deer Appear The first sign is usually cropped foliage, perhaps on perennials or young shrubs. You might initially think, “Wow, somebody did a really poor pruning job here,” until you realize that you are looking at … Continue reading

Posted in Garden Prep, Pets & Pests In The Garden, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , | Leave a comment