Category Archives: Nutrition

Asparagus At Every Meal

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  Awesome Asparagus I just love asparagus. When the first local crop shows up at the market, I often enjoy it at every meal for a few days. Or more. Why not? It’s wholesome, packed with antioxidants, and it’s delicious. … Continue reading

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Enjoying Asian Vegetables

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Delighting In Delicious, Nutritious Asian Greens All winter, we live on kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts and I never get tired of them. However, one of my favorite things about spring is the appearance of Asian greens. From mustard greens … Continue reading

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Sourdough For Beginners

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  Bake Inexpensive Artisan Bread At Home I love bread. If I had to limit my diet to a few things, bread would top the list (followed closely by the cole family, the onion family, olive oil, apples, and cheese). … Continue reading

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Make Delicious Organic Food Coloring

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  Naturally Lovely Holiday Food My winter holidays are delightfully enhanced by my housemates, a young mom with a 9 year old boy and a 10 year old girl. It was fun to watch them decorate their tree with kitten-proof … Continue reading

Posted in Natural Dyes, Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments