Category Archives: Nutrition

Hot Rise Biscuits And Chicken Soup

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  Comfort Food Simple Yet Supreme My elderly mom is fading gently (sort of), floating away on the misty river or forgetfulness. She has better days and not so good ones, and many of her former pleasures have faded as … Continue reading

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Safer Soaps & Shampoos Spare Beneficial Bacteria

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Antiseptic Stuff Can Be Too Much Of A Good Thing It’s barely noon and already I’ve washed my hands over a dozen times today. Whenever I’m cooking, or cleaning, or planting primroses, or playing with the cats, or taking out … Continue reading

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Fraudulent Foods

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  Read The Label, Then What? For many years, I was a scrupulous label reader. When my kids were young, I made most of what they ate from whole ingredients. When I did buy prepared food, I made sure that … Continue reading

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Did Simple Things Taste Better In The Past?

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Are We More Or Less Acute Tasters Today? In the introduction of 2013’s 40th anniversary edition of the well-loved Moosewood cookbooks, Mollie Katzen says that tastes have so changed that when the staff went back to the original versions of … Continue reading

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