Category Archives: Nutrition

Haitian Culinary Classics For Northwestern Kitchen Gardens

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Peanuts And Sorghum And Black-Eyed Peas, Oh My One of the many reasons I love gardening in the maritime Northwest is that so many plants from all over the world are happy here. True, until recently, our summers and/or our … Continue reading

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Garden-Based Vegan Snacks

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Good Eating, Fast And Easy Try as we may to keep healthy food on hand, snacks have a way of penetrating our defenses. Commercial snacks are intended to do that, employing every genetically programmed hook we humans have. A taste … Continue reading

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Crispy Cauliflower Cakes & More

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Celebrating Colorful Cauliflower I love cauliflower, and am tickled that finally, after years of glory for its cousin kale, cauliflower is becoming trendy. Long considered a ho-hum vegetable, plain Jane cauliflower turns sublime when partnered with fresh herbs, snappy spices, … Continue reading

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Perfect Potatoes In Any Soil (Or Nearly None)

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And Joyful Gardening The Lazy Way Those whose gardens have been over-run by enthusiastic potato escapees may wonder why on earth anybody needs to know how to grow potatoes. They might rather inquire how NOT to grow potatoes. However, the … Continue reading

Posted in composting, Easy Care Perennials, fall/winter crops, Garden Prep, Nutrition, Recipes, Soil, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Weed Control | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment