Category Archives: Moss

Rain Barrels Save Water, But Is It Clean Water?

Lifestraw filters are good basic emergency supplies What’s On The Average Roof? With the rainy season on the horizon (hopefully), I recently wrote an article about using water saved in rain barrels safely and have been answering many questions ever … Continue reading

Posted in Birds In The Garden, Drainage, Garden Design, Health & Wellbeing, Moss, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

So Many Plants, So Little Time

When Excess Is Not Our Friend Hoarding. It’s on my mind because I’ve been helping to empty the jam-packed apartment and garage of a friend who has had a series of strokes and is now confined to a hospital bed, … Continue reading

Posted in Health & Wellbeing, Hoarding, Moss, Recycling Nursery Plastics, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

When Ladybugs Might Bug You

When spring arrives and the air warms up, Korean ladybugs awaken and try to get back outside. For some folks, finding what might feel like an invading army of redcoats on the windows can trigger attempts to get rid of them. However, hungry ladybugs eat their weight daily in pests like aphids and whitefly eggs, and these little ladybirds can be terrific garden helpers. Put outside too soon, they’ll simply die for the lack of edible insects. Instead, tuck these beneficials away until spring is truly here. Continue reading

Posted in Gardening With Children, Moss, pests and pesticides, Pollinators, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | 4 Comments

Of Wind And The Absence of Power

Gathering Moss This weekend, howling gusts tore through the Maritime Northwest, tossing branches everywhere and felling trees as well as power lines. Our small island was left largely powerless (many folks still are), a condition that scares some people into … Continue reading

Posted in Health & Wellbeing, Moss, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , | 2 Comments