Category Archives: Garden Prep

How To Find High Quality Compost

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The True Cost Of Compost Making I hear from many gardeners who feel frustrated by the high cost and uneven quality of commercial compost. How can compost of the same brand, from the same supplier, vary so much in quality? … Continue reading

Posted in composting, Garden Prep, Soil, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | 4 Comments

Cold Comfort For Plants

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Yes Baby It’s Cold Outside January can be the month of truth for Northwestern gardeners. Early winter can open so mildly that we forget our proximity to Alaska. Indeed, a given January may be as gentle as June (which really … Continue reading

Posted in fall/winter crops, Garden Prep, Sustainable Gardening | Tagged | 2 Comments

Don’t Drink From That Hose!

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Seeking Safer Garden Hoses A reader recently asked me to write about drinking quality or safe hoses. This is an often overlooked issue, because few people realize that most ordinary garden hoses are NOT safe to drink from. I learned … Continue reading

Posted in Garden Prep, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Beneficial Bees & Bugs

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Joining Generations I spent a lovely Mother’s Day with my sons, who took turns cooking and cleaning, then helped me in the garden, along with my mother (who is turning 88 but still loves to garden). We were joined by … Continue reading

Posted in Garden Prep, Pets & Pests In The Garden, Sustainable Gardening | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment