Category Archives: composting

How To Find High Quality Compost

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The True Cost Of Compost Making I hear from many gardeners who feel frustrated by the high cost and uneven quality of commercial compost. How can compost of the same brand, from the same supplier, vary so much in quality? … Continue reading

Posted in composting, Garden Prep, Soil, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | 4 Comments

Winter Rains Bring Soggy Lawns

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Time To Make Your Rain Garden? Last week, snow and high winds kept most of us home, snug indoors while nature ran wild outside. Here on Bainbridge Island, we had over six inches of snow, layered with ice, making for … Continue reading

Posted in composting, Drainage | 4 Comments

Food Quality In Decline

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Who Cares About Nutrition? Over the past several decades, numerous studies have uncovered ways in which today’s food supply is less nutritious than that of the past. Government reports on the levels of vitamins and minerals in fresh food today, … Continue reading

Posted in composting, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged | Leave a comment

Have A Pumpkin Party

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Beyond Pie: Making The Most Of Your Pumpkin Patch I love the way pumpkin patches look at this time of year. The fading foliage is largely gone and the ripening globes stand out like glowing lanterns in the browning fields. … Continue reading

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