Author Archives: Ann Lovejoy

Green Soups Galore

Autumn Garden Soul Soups Autumn is nipping at the heels of summer, the nights are getting chilly, and the days are suddenly shorter. In the garden, summery abundance is giving way to cover crops and winter greens, and in the … Continue reading

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The Magic Of Mexican Sour Gherkins

Pre-Pickled Gherkins This summer, I organized the planting for a marvelous accessible play space called Owen’s Playground. Besides swings and slides and climbing rocks, we installed a spiraling series of beds that hold a wide assortment of sensory plants, including … Continue reading

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Slow Roasting The Harvest

From Apples To Zucchini Autumn is arriving with the usual wild winds in tow, and suddenly summer is fading gently away. The light drains from the sky so early in the evening, and dawns are darker and later each day. … Continue reading

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Playing With Plants

Fairy Houses & Face Cream This weekend, I put on a fairy house birthday party for a five year old. I’ve run a fairy house building program at the local library for years, but this was the first time I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in composting, Gardening With Children, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments