Author Archives: Ann Lovejoy

Home And Garden Editing

It’s very obvious (to anyone weeding my driveway, at least) that nature’s first principle is abundance. If I pull the dozens of crowded, over-eager seedlings that blue the edges of the beds, I know very well that the act of weeding will bring dozens of seeds to the surface. The most willing seeders are often plants of disturbance, whose seeds germinate most freely when exposed to light and air rather than smothered under muddy clay.
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Pet Safe House Plants

Indoor Winter Gardens That Do No Harm Every winter, my windowsills are increasingly crowded with potted plants, from amaryllis and azaleas to miniature roses, primroses and daffodils. I love the vivid splashes of color and the fresh scent of green, … Continue reading

Posted in Health & Wellbeing, Nutrition, pests and pesticides, Pets & Pests In The Garden, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Snowy Day Treats (Gluten Free Or Not)

Not too sweet, moist and sturdy, this cake is a family favorite for tea time or a special breakfast. If you prefer, you can use walnuts or hazelnuts instead of the almonds, or even hulled pumpkin seeds. Though simple and quick to make, it dresses up nicely for birthdays, topped with swirls of whipped cream and fresh berries. I usually fill it with homemade raspberry jam but blueberry or red currant jams are also very good.
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Waking Up And Getting Clear

A favorite book by Julie Morgenstern called When Organization Is Not Enough taught me that until I know why I hang onto stuff, getting rid of it will just trigger the accumulation of something more. However, I’ve learned that when I know something dear will be both useful and appreciated, I give cheerfully and don’t look back.
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