Author Archives: Ann Lovejoy

Looking For Light

Though Courage is Anger’s sister, she is not necessarily angry herself. It’s difficult to create positive change when anger is our favorite tool, and anger is stoked by failure, not success. Most humans change most readily when they feel loved and supported. My inner Sister Courage is cheerful and helpful, friendly and positive, and implacably committed to finding constructive, inclusive ways to move forward. Yes, that’s also difficult, but Sister Courage and Sister Change are both recharged by success, not failure. Continue reading

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All Shall Be Revealed

“Good judges…understand that a judge’s demeanor helps lay the foundation for the regard given a judge’s decisions. A calm judicial demeanor allows participants in the legal process to feel that their position is being heard and considered, and that a reasoned opinion will issue from the court after the arguments are all submitted.”
Judge Mel Dickstein Continue reading

Posted in Health & Wellbeing, Sustainable Living | 9 Comments

Zucchini On My Mind

Summer Harvest Goes Out In Style Summer’s end fills our kitchens with tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and summer squash. Most of us have many ways to turn garden abundance into pantry staples, but those over-achieving zucchini have a lot of folks … Continue reading

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Garden Chutneys, Fresh & Cooked

The pest involved is a fungus, Venturia pyrina. Like so many plant enemies, this one nestles into fallen leaves under the trees. Refreshed by rain, it releases floods of spores during peak blossom time, infecting each new crop. Scab affects European pears, notably Bartlett relatives, not Asian pears or apples (different pests involved there). Happily, a few simple steps can control this disfiguring disease and keep future fruit unmarred. They’ll also help build healthier soil and sweeten future crops as soil humus increases. And here’s more good news: go ahead and compost this year’s drops and scabby fruit. An active, hot compost pile is already full of beneficial bacteria and fungi that will eat scab spores alive. Continue reading

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