Author Archives: Ann Lovejoy

Pickling Almost Anything

A reader with a boatload of cucumbers asked for some recipes to help preserve the bounty. As it happens, I have an abundance of cucumbers as well, and spent a happy morning turning them into snappy garlic dills. While I was at it, I also pickled several other things, because I love the contrast a piquant pickle provides to a rich or lean meal. Spicy, savory or sweet, pickles can be made with fruit or vegetables and sometimes combine both. Back in the day, our ancestors pickled lemons, onions, and watermelon rind, and enjoyed garden-based concoctions like chow-chow, piccalilli and relishes. Before refrigeration, pickling was an easy way to preserve fruits and vegetables well into winter. Every well-stocked larder boasted rows of pickled beans, pickled peaches, pickled lemons, and even pickled eggs. Whether tart-sweet or savory, pickles graced American tables nearly every day of the year. Continue reading

Posted in preserving food, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Vegan Recipes | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Singing With the Bees

As I thinned the vigorous stems, I found tomatoes ripening on every plant. As always, I interplanted annuals and a few perennials with my edibles and am happy to see them alive with bees and other pollinators. While tomatoes are self-fertile and pollinated mainly by wind or vibration, it turns out that fruit set is greatly increased by the presence of certain bees, who vibrate their wings to the tone of middle C. In this case, the beneficial bees are not European honeybees but native bumbles and mud bees as well as various other native pollinators. To encourage the bees, I’m planting lots of annuals, and to encourage great tomato set, I’m humming favorite songs. Fortunately, the key of C is nearly universal; you can sing almost anything in C, as lots of folk songs demonstrate. Can’t sing? Use a middle C tuning fork to help tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and blueberries shed way more pollen by vibration, aka buzz pollination. Isn’t that so amazingly marvelous? Continue reading

Posted in Annual Color, Care & Feeding, Early Crops, Grafted Plants, Pollinators, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Tomatoes | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Summery Meals Without (Much) Cooking

Slivers of red cabbage, Walla-walla Sweet onions, and blueberries marry surprisingly well in this invigorating salad, which goes well with anything you care to serve. Lemon Shallot Dressing adds a pleasantly piquant note. Vegans can exchange the hardboiled eggs for chickpeas and add a few tablespoons of nutritional yeast to the dressing for extra protein.

Red, White and Blueberry Salad

4 cups young salad greens
2 cups red cabbage, finely shredded
1 cup cilantro OR flat Italian parsley, stemmed
1 cup basil, stemmed and shredded
1 Walla-walla Sweet onion, halved and finely sliced
4 hard boiled eggs, cut in wedges
OR 1 cup cooked chickpeas
1 pint blueberries, stemmed
1 cup coarsely grated asiago or pecorino cheese
1/2 cup Lemon Shallot Vinaigrette

In a serving bowl, toss all ingredients and serve. Serves 8. Continue reading

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Second Wind Annuals

I’ve been asked by numerous people when to sow poppy seeds, as they aren’t always willing to perform well from seed. Poppy seeds sprout best in cool weather, so late winter or spring sowing is usually more successful than late summer sowing. I’ve had good luck sowing poppies from late fall into early summer in cooler years. Many folks also have trouble when trying to save poppy seed, largely because they pick the pods too soon. The best way to get poppies going in gardens where they haven’t been happy is to pot up 4-inch starts and grow them on in the sunniest spot you can offer. When the flowers fade and the foliage turns silvery brown and crisp, watch the pods closely. At first, they look like little green balloons with ribbed flat tops. As they ripen, the pods turn brownish grey, the flat tops curl up, and little windows open to let the seeds tumble out. Continue reading

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