Author Archives: Ann Lovejoy

Creative Ways With Chutney

Apples And Peaches And Pears Oh My As summer slips seamlessly into autumn, the most satisfying fruit harvest of the year begins. Late peaches and early apples mingle with raspberries and pears. Grapes and blueberries, kiwis and figs, so much … Continue reading

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Restocking The Kitchen Garden

Renewing The Vegetable Garden In Fall Though the days are lovely and warm, night temperatures are dropping once again. As summer fades, the garden soil is still warm enough to make a lovely nursery bed for young vegetables. If you … Continue reading

Posted in fall/winter crops, Garden Prep, Recipes, Soil, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged | Leave a comment

Feasting on Fresh Tomatoes

It’s Finally Tomato Time After a slow start, the tomatoes are ripening fast and are they ever good. Along with those tasty tomatoes, my little deck garden is packed with produce these days, with bushy basil (now on its third … Continue reading

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Of Raspberries Sweet And Savory

Enjoying Summer’s Berry Bounty This was a terrific year for raspberries and my freezer is full, as is my jam shelf. As the next wave of berries begins, my thoughts are turning to more savory treatments for my favorite fruit. … Continue reading

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