Author Archives: Ann Lovejoy

Fabulous Food For The Fourth

  Summery Picnic Treats I live on a small island in Puget Sound, where living is generally a lot slower than in the city across the water. Indeed,  island time is always a factor in any social engagement, since people … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Tomatoes | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Strawberry Season Is Upon Us

  Revel In Sweet, Succulent June Bearers This year is a banner one for berries, and my little deck garden is overflowing with fat, flavorful fruit. Between our island favorite Marshalls, our extra-early Rainiers, and the tiny, exquisite alpines, we … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Historic Marshall Strawberries

  Grow Oldies And Goodies For Fabulous Flavor It’s not exactly news that heritage fruit and vegetables have been making a comeback, regionally and nationally. However, recently I’ve noticed a new level of passion for some of the old favorites, … Continue reading

Posted in Growing Berry Crops, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , | 60 Comments

Celebrating The First Tomatoes

  Early Harvests & Fine Feasts The first of almost anything often seems worth celebrating, especially if it involves eating something delicious. Here on Bainbridge Island, the entire community seemed to be rejoicing over the first local tomatoes to find … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Tomatoes | 4 Comments