Author Archives: Ann Lovejoy

Fruity Or Savory Summer Cobbler

  Nectarines, Cherries, Peaches, Plums, Apricots…. I’m in love with greens all year long, but in summer, I become obsessed with fruit. Despite the rapid influx of plums, peaches, and nectarines, I am having a bit of trouble letting go … Continue reading

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Cherry Ripe

  A Glut Of Gorgeous Fruit We’ve been feasting on ripe cherries for several weeks now. At first, nothing tastes better and we eat them by the bowlful. Now, though they still taste awesome, we are starting to get more … Continue reading

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Singing Along With Summer Fruit

  Can She Bake A Cherry Pie? My new grandson, Oliver, is now just over a month old, and is fascinated by singing. Yesterday, I played with him for hours, singing him old nursery rhymes, including several cherry songs. I … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition, preserving food, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Summer’s Here!: Plant Food and People Food

Let The Revels Begin This week, we enjoyed a number of firsts from the deck garden; first agretti (which returned from seedlings left by last summer’s crop), first major cutting of fresh basil, and first tomatoes. Gardeners in warmer climates … Continue reading

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