Author Archives: Ann Lovejoy

Onions Are A Cook’s Best Friend

  Exploring The Wonders Of Alliums I love onions, and nearly all their relatives. Garlic, leeks, shallots, scallions, sweet or hot, mild or tear-inducing: I’ve rarely met an allium I didn’t like. Indeed, I find them somewhat addictive, and I … Continue reading

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Cooking With Cranberries

  A Most Versatile Berry A friend recently commented on what she calls my obsession with cranberries. I prefer to think of it as fascination, since the more you experiment with this charmingly plump little fruit, the more it recommends … Continue reading

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Greening Up The New Year

Gifts That Go On For the past 8 years, I’ve been writing calendars for Amber Lotus, a Portland-based publishing company that began life as a Buddhist enterprise. When it became all too successful, it was sold, but remains dedicated to … Continue reading

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Colorful Spuds That Taste Terrific

  One Potato, Two Potato Recently, Peruvian purple sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) have hit the marketplace hard. It’s kind of amazing to notice that even big chain stores now carry these heritage tubers. Admittedly homely, purple sweet potatoes at their … Continue reading

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