Author Archives: Ann Lovejoy

Brightening Up The Winter Table

  Cooking With Sweet, Savory, Adaptable Beets Beets can be boring, I’m told, but I find them great fun to play with. Despite having their own earthy, distinct taste, beets readily take on flavors from pepper and vinegar to oranges … Continue reading

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Safer Soaps & Shampoos Spare Beneficial Bacteria

Antiseptic Stuff Can Be Too Much Of A Good Thing It’s barely noon and already I’ve washed my hands over a dozen times today. Whenever I’m cooking, or cleaning, or planting primroses, or playing with the cats, or taking out … Continue reading

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Fraudulent Foods

  Read The Label, Then What? For many years, I was a scrupulous label reader. When my kids were young, I made most of what they ate from whole ingredients. When I did buy prepared food, I made sure that … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainable Living | Tagged | 4 Comments

Did Simple Things Taste Better In The Past?

Are We More Or Less Acute Tasters Today? In the introduction of 2013’s 40th anniversary edition of the well-loved Moosewood cookbooks, Mollie Katzen says that tastes have so changed that when the staff went back to the original versions of … Continue reading

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