Author Archives: Ann Lovejoy

Garden-Based Vegan Snacks

Good Eating, Fast And Easy Try as we may to keep healthy food on hand, snacks have a way of penetrating our defenses. Commercial snacks are intended to do that, employing every genetically programmed hook we humans have. A taste … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

All Fruit (&/Or Veggie) Ice Cream

Crazy Cool Treats From The Garden And Beyond First of all, I should explain that I don’t get out much. Thus, stuff that’s old hat for many folks is often screamingly new and exciting to me. Anyway, this weekend I … Continue reading

Posted in Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

A Palette of Plants Deer Don’t Prefer

A Palette of Plants Deer Don’t Prefer Deer Resistant, Never Deer Proof My new garden is filling in fast and I am so thrilled to watch the progress. My transplanted shrubs are thriving on the blend of sandy loam and … Continue reading

Posted in Easy Care Perennials, Pets & Pests In The Garden, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

The Lighter Side Of Cauliflower

  Spring Salads and Fritters  I’ve been mildly obsessed with cauliflower all winter and now that spring is here, it’s only getting worse (or better). Here’s what I’ve been getting up to (since sciatica has kept me out of the … Continue reading

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