Author Archives: Ann Lovejoy

Commemorative Plantings

Welcoming Baby Lovejoy Yesterday, my beautiful granddaughter was born at her home, surrounded by loving family and friends. I could not help but contrast this joyful event with the gathering to celebrate the passing of my mother, also at home … Continue reading

Posted in Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Hearty, Healing Onion Family Winter Soups

On chilly days, nothing is more warming, of both body and heart, then a fragrant pot of homemade soup. Besides, soup is fun to make and a supremely good way to clean the fridge. One secret to great soup is to make it ahead and reheat it. Another is to cook soup slowly, for long, patient hours. When neither choice is possible, good cooks just get more creative. Here are some quick, satisfying, and inexpensive soups that will taste terrific tonight and fabulous tomorrow, should there be any left.
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Posted in Nutrition, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Save The Bees, Please

Protecting Our Beloved Bees A reader recently asked me to write about bees. Most gardeners are aware that  if ripe flowers don’t get pollinated, no zucchini–or whatever–can happen. Fewer people realize that a large percentage of all fruits, flowers, vegetables … Continue reading

Posted in Garden Prep, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Reefer Purging

New Year’s is all about fresh starts, which is fine by me: I can’t remember a year that didn’t include at least a few things I’d like to reframe or reconsider. However, I find it best to work up to large shifts of habit or consciousness by starting small. Thus, I decided to take on my refrigerator, home to many nameless bottles and tubs, especially in the freezer compartment. My old fridge had a top unit which my kids called The Freezer Of Death because whenever you opened it, slippery, crammed-in packages tumbled out, causing panic, discomfort, and sometimes significant pain. Continue reading

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