Monthly Archives: February 2012

Feasting On Winter Sprouts

Getting The Best From Brussels Sprouts I love most winter vegetables, but am especially enjoying Brussels sprouts these days. Indeed, for weeks I have been binging on a most delectable combination of roasted sprouts with roasted sweet potatoes. I like … Continue reading

Posted in fall/winter crops, Pets & Pests In The Garden, Recipes, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Nifty Native Willow For The Garden

Preserving Winter Pussies For many years, my family collected bouquets of catkins to celebrate my youngest son’s birthday in mid-January. Silky grey and soft as kittens, these fat, furry flowers came from an elderly western willow, Salix scouleriana, that liveds … Continue reading

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Enjoying Cold Season Crops

Winter-Fresh Food From The Garden I love having something fresh to enjoy each day, even in the depths of winter. True, the sharp January frosts hit my winter lettuces hard, but there are still some terrific greens to be gathered. … Continue reading

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Editing The Garden

Knowing When To Let Go The past decade has been full of challenging weather events, from massive snowfall, ice  and wind storms to heavy rain and flooding. Summers have been equally difficult, with cool, cloudy months giving way to sudden … Continue reading

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