Tomato ‘Apricot Zebra’ Cream of the Crop Cherry Tomato


Unrivaled golf ball sized fruit with unique, firm and meaty texture and fine-textured skin. Also called a two-bit tomato. The orange pigmented fruits show prominent green stripes during fruit ripening that almost disappear when the fruit is fully ripe. The fruit has a strong “tomatoey” flavor, rich with moderate sweetness. Very good plant health and fruit quality in both open field and greenhouse trials. Very prolific. Average Brix score of 7.5, round 1.5-2″ fruits. Indeterminate, 60-70 days from transplant. Photo courtesy of Aaron Whaley (original breeder).

Care: Plant 24-36″ apart in rows 3-4′ apart in full sun. Plants grow 4-6′ tall; provide a cage or trellis.

Unrivaled golf ball sized fruit with unique, firm and meaty texture and fine-textured skin. Also called a two-bit tomato. The orange pigmented fruits show prominent green stripes during fruit ripening that almost disappear when the fruit is fully ripe. The fruit has a strong “tomatoey” flavor, rich with moderate sweetness. Very good plant health and fruit quality in both open field and greenhouse trials. Very prolific. Average Brix score of 7.5, round 1.5-2″ fruits. Indeterminate, 60-70 days from transplant. Photo courtesy of Aaron Whaley (original breeder).

Care: Plant 24-36″ apart in rows 3-4′ apart in full sun. Plants grow 4-6′ tall; provide a cage or trellis.


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