Savory ‘Summer’ (Satureja hortensis)


Summer savory, an 18 inch annual, grows in full sun or part shade. Small tidy bushes are covered with masses of pink flowers.

Traditional Healing Uses: Summer savory has been used as a mild remedy for stomach upsets, colic, flatulence, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. It has been used for asthma and coughs, and as a gargle for sore throats. Leaves have been rubbed on insect bites and stings to relieve pain. It has also been considered an aphrodisiac.

Other Uses: As a culinary herb, summer savory’s warm peppery flavor is often used as seasoning for beans, rich meats, and dressings, bringing both flavor and digestive assistance. It is also used to season poultry, fish, peas, eggs, soups, stews, and salads.

Summer savory, an 18 inch annual, grows in full sun or part shade. Small tidy bushes are covered with masses of pink flowers.

Traditional Healing Uses: Summer savory has been used as a mild remedy for stomach upsets, colic, flatulence, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. It has been used for asthma and coughs, and as a gargle for sore throats. Leaves have been rubbed on insect bites and stings to relieve pain. It has also been considered an aphrodisiac.

Other Uses: As a culinary herb, summer savory’s warm peppery flavor is often used as seasoning for beans, rich meats, and dressings, bringing both flavor and digestive assistance. It is also used to season poultry, fish, peas, eggs, soups, stews, and salads.