Grab & Grow Gardens
We’re especially excited to introduce our Grab and Grow Gardens, regional vegetable collections sold in half flats (nine 4-inch pots). After interviewing nursery experts and master gardeners from all over the Northwest and listening to their success stories, we’ve designed seven collections for each climate area, with varieties chosen for flavor, productivity, and ease of care. Grab and Grow is part of our overall “Grow Your Own” vegetable campaign: in light of rising food costs and growing concern about the quality, impact, and origin of what we eat, we’re expanding and emphasizing our selection of vegetable starts, to help gardeners who want to “grow their own” and save on the grocery bill.
The collections we'll be offering are:
- Tried & True Vegetables
- Delicious Heirloom Vegetables
- Vegetables for Drying, Canning, and Freezing
- Vegetables for Small Space Gardens
- Salsa Garden
- Herbs for Pesto
- Barbeque Garden
View the regional collections for more planting tips & info:
- Valleys west of the Cascades
- Southern Oregon
- Oregon Coast
- Central & Eastern Oregon
- Seattle & Western Washington
- Eastern Washington
- Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Resources for Oregon gardeners:
- Growing Your Own Vegetables - A practical guide to vegetable gardening in Oregon, from the OSU Extension Service
- Regional tips - Gardening tips for the Oregon Coast, Rogue Valley, Central/Eastern Oregon and the Columbia River Valley, from the OSU Extension Service
Resources for Washington gardeners:
- Home Gardens - A 28-page booklet on home vegetable gardening in Washington, published by the WSU Extension Service
- Vegetable Gardening in Western Washington - A library of vegetable growing resources provided by the WSU master gardeners
Resources for Idaho gardeners:
- Planning an Idaho Vegetable Garden - A 40-page booklet with a wealth of information on vegetable gardening, published by the University of Idaho Extension Service.
- Homes and Gardens - Publication list from the UI Extension Service
Resources for all gardeners:
- Container gardens - How to raise vegetables in containers for small space gardens, from the OSU Extension Service
- Short-Season Vegetable Gardening - General tips about growing veggies in the Pacific Northwest, from the PNW Extension Service
- Vegetable Families - Learn about vegetable families to better understand their climate and cultural preferences, prepared by Patricia Patterson for the Lane County Extension Service
- Saving Heirlooms - Learn about heirloom plants & Seed Savers Exchange
- Freeze/Frost Data - NOAA climate charts for checking frost dates
- USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning - Detailed information about canning tomatoes, vegetables, pickles, and more (with recipes)
- Freezing Fruits and Vegetables - OSU Extension publication
- Drying Fruits and Vegetables - UGA Extension publication
- Pesto Unlimited - Pesto recipes using basil and a variety of other fresh herbs from your garden
- Roast 'em now, you'll thank yourself later - Roasted tomatoes for sauces and freezing, article by Jan Roberts-Dominguez
- Salsa recipes
- Barbeque sauce recipe
- Favorite entrees and soups
- - Our family's favorite site for excellent recipes
- Green Gardening - Ann Lovejoy offers seasonal recipes and menus that emphasize the freshest locally grown ingredients
Be sure to check back with us for more of our favorite recipes.